Thursday, December 6, 2007

Warrior Fitness

Thanksgiving delivered us right into Advent, which means the holidays are upon us, and warrior fitness becomes a concern. Warriors are renowned for their prowess at the table. Eating and drinking are are simple pleasures of life -- gifts from God -- well savored by those who live in the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

Nevertheless, I am concerned about my own fitness as a warrior in these coming days. Normally, I limit my white flour & refined sugar intake to one day a week, but I do make occasional exceptions, and the week from Nativity (Christmas to the prevailing culture) to New Year's day is the big one. If I'm going to celebrate the birth of my King, I'm going to do it heartily. That's why it's so important for me to continue my exercise program through the holy-days (holidays to the prevailing culture).

I have put together a good strength & fitness program for myself, which I have developed slowly over more than a year. I make changes and additions slowly and deliberately, and my program has begun to make some measurable changes in me over the past two or three months. I don't want to lose that, so it's important that I stay motivated over the next few weeks.

I'm on the email list of two or three fitness gurus, and I think I found a potential motivator in an email I received this morning. It invited me to sign up for a "Twelve Days of Fitness giveaway" starting December 10th. For 12 days, you get email links to PDF, audio & video downloads from an army of fitness pros.

Of course, it's a marketing strategy to expose you to their fitness information products, but there's no need to buy. And if they start sending me unsolicited emails, I'll just flag them as spam. My main reason for receiving these is not to alter or replace my present warrior fitness program (which is working well for me).

I'm doing this for exposure to a mindset that will encourage me to persevere. I also hope to see some new ideas & techniques that I might selectively use to add to or vary my routine. If you're interested in finding a little extra motivation to warrior fitness, you might want to check out this link to "The Twelve Days of Fitness".

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