Monday, October 6, 2008

On the Horizon

Is persecution on the horizon for the Church in America? If the civil authority makes war on Christians, what is the role of the Christian Martialist? Or what if the civil leaders sit back and allow private third parties to ravage Christian churches and homes, as is happening in India and other places, today?

I don't know all the answers, but I suppose I should start looking for them. I sent out the following email this morning (Note, the user removed the first video from youtube, but I found another source and it works for now):

In 1980 American Christians started to view their candidates messianically. They voted for Reagan because they wanted him to save America from liberal incursions. In '88 Reagan passed the mantle to Bush I, and in 2000 I received emails -- from a Baptist minister -- saying that anyone who did not vote for Bush II was doing NOTHING to rescue America.

How long before the other side started to play the game of Messianic politics? How long before they would take a title (Alpha & Omega) that belongs to Jesus alone and apply it to their political leader? Well, here it is, and it ain't pretty. In fact, it's more than a little disturbing.

These young men are compared to the Hitler Youth. Interesting comparison. Another parallel is that Hitler was elected on a platform that promised socialized health insurance to all.

(Note not in original email: Did you notice that this Obama worship service took place on a Sunday?)

George W. Bush created Homeland Security, and it is a travesty. His supporters said it was necessary for our protection. What they did not think about was that this engine of tyranny might fall into the hands of the people pictured above.

Sadly, some Christians will read this, view the videos and think, "All the more reason to vote for McCain/Palin." They are missing the point. Republican statism is just as evil as Democratic statism. The Democrats in the videos are just being more consistent in expressing their statist faith.

Weep for America. She is reaping the harvest of seeds sown long ago.

As I watch American politics go to Hell, I thank God that by His grace, I am a subject of the King. "He can't be impeached, and He's not going to resign." (end of e-mail)

Words to live by:

If you can keep
--your conscience clear,
--your powder dry,
--your edge keen, and
--your bowels open,
you will acquit yourself well in the day of battle. ;-)


Stephen said...

Thanks for those encouraging words. It's so easy to get bogged down in the political mess and forget that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He owns the "cattle on the thousand hills".

Stephen said...

BTW, you should really add your series on Sheepdog Strategies to the "Reader's favorite posts" section.

Craig Mutton said...

Thanks, Stephen, I'll do that.

The Warrior said...

Is persecution on the horizon for the Church in America? If the civil authority makes war on Christians, what is the role of the Christian Martialist? Or what if the civil leaders sit back and allow private third parties to ravage Christian churches and homes, as is happening in India and other places, today?

I don't know all the answers, but I suppose I should start looking for them.

What do you think?

Weep for America. She is reaping the harvest of seeds sown long ago.

Yes. This is all...beginning to seriously hit me. Am I too defeatist, too pessimistic, too clouded in my view of the future that I am beginning to feel that America is on her downfall? I've been thinking of this very issue for a couple of days now.

I'm worried.


The Warrior said...

P.S. As you know my dial-up internet dislikes Youtube, as it makes it take forever to load, but I wanted to see this one. The first video is no longer avaiable, but the second one....

I'm fairly speechless.



The Warrior said...

P.S.S. I forgot to say, it's a minor thing, but did you notice the color of the kids' shirts was that United Nations blue? What is it with all of them and these soft baby colors?

...I'm glad I always wear black.