Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Confrontational Types, 5

Continued from "Confrontational Types, 4"

In my original post, "Confrontational Types", I listed the 4 primary types and said, "I might also add a fifth, psychopath." Into this catch-all category, I put stalkers, serial killers & serial rapists (who, if not caught in time, may turn into serial killers), child molesters, what Dan Korem calls random actors (i.e., killers of the Columbine or New Hope variety), and terrorists.

You can think of the serial rapist and serial killer as variations of the true orc. They will generally approach in the same way, try to catch their prey off-guard and ambush him/her. The difference is that these are the ones who will often try to lure or take their victims to a secondary location.

I dealt with the danger of allowing yourself to be taken to a secondary location in "Kidnap Survival Tactic: Do The Opposite". There is one scenario I did not address in that post: what to do if he has a gun.

He points the handgun and says, "Keep quiet and get in the van." From the beginning, you must realize that no matter how frightened you are, your least safe option is to do as he says. He wants to take you away because wherever you are is too close to other people.

Further, he likely does not want to attract attention to himself by discharging a firearm in that place. Therefore, your best tactic is to put distance between yourself and the the orc. Weave back and forth as you run -- it makes you a more difficult target, in case he does decide to fire.

As you run, put cover between you and him (parked cars, utility poles, etc.)Also, the farther away you get, the less likely he will be able to hit you.

At close quarters, a knife can be even more dangerous than a firearm, because he can use it silently, and thus not draw attention to himself. But the knife is effective only out to arm's length. Therefore, distance is once again the best solution. Run like the wind.

If he's close enough to use the knife, I might try an offensive tactic before running away (I'm old, heavy, and I never was a fast runner). A poke to the eyes followed by a half-fist to the throat would probably give me time for a few seconds head-start.

And don't forget that he wants to take you away quietly. As you run, yell or scream for all you're worth.


The Warrior said...

Another fantastic, informative post. Risky, but I agree. I like it.

Craig Mutton said...

The fact that there is risk means you have a chance. If you comply, you have no chance at all.

When your chances are Slim or Nunn, choose Slim before he rides off into the sunset.