Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Warrior Mindset

A thousand techniques, practiced to perfection will not help you if you don't have the warrior mindset. Deolexrex sent me the link to this Fox news story dated September 5. The housewife's only technique seems to have been to hold on the shotgun and keep the muzzle pointed away from her loved ones. Oh yeah, she also smacked one of the intruders in the head with a jar candle.

Click here to read the article before you read my comments below.

What a great example of the protective instincts of motherhood as mentioned in "Sheepdog Strategies, 8".

If you're familiar with Col. Grossman's analysis of how to facilitate the act of killing among soldiers, you may have seen something else in the story. Even under the threat of further attack, the husband evidently choked at pulling the trigger.

The wife yelled, "Shoot him, shoot him," which provided authority and peer support to the act of killing the enemy. In the military, this support comes from the soldier's squad and especially his NCO squad leader.

By the way, did you catch that last part? The couple "PROBABLY won't be charged." As though, when two orcs break into your house with a shotgun and a handgun, there is any question about the legality of shooting them. In Texas, yet. O how the mighty have fallen.

The final lesson is this: even when the odds seem all against you, don't give up. Providence may grant what seems an unlikely victory.

1 comment:

The Warrior said...

By the way, did you catch that last part? The couple "PROBABLY won't be charged." As though, when two orcs break into your house with a shotgun and a handgun, there is any question about the legality of shooting them. In Texas, yet. O how the mighty have fallen.

Ugh. *declines to speak*

Informative post, btw. Thanks for showing it to us.
