Friday, September 12, 2008

Combat Slap, 3

Continued from "Combat Slap, 2"

The combat slap is an effective close-quarters tool that should be in your arsenal. If you train without an instructor (or, perhaps even without a partner), sometimes a different instructional aid will give you a new insight. It may help you find a weakness and correct it, or it may give you a new insight for improved power or speed.

For that reason, I'd like to present you with Paul Vunak's video presentation on the combat slap or, as he calls it, "the ear slap". Some of you have been reading my comments for a time and may be able to anticipate what I might say about this clip. So, I'm going to reserve my discussion of it and let you comment based on your analysis.

Is there something here to gain? Something to avoid?

What do you think that I might think about this? More important, what do YOU think?

1 comment:

The Warrior said...

I don't know what you might be thinking about it, but does it have to do with the loose wrist? I'm no expert but I didn't really like that idea; sounds like you could hurt your wrist that way, and perhaps not even get enough force in.

On the other hand, I liked his emphasis on simple techniques that are adaptable to almost any situation, but I always like that.
