Sunday, December 7, 2008

James Cagney Does Judo

Hope you enjoy this.

It's a Hollywood fight scene from "Blood on the Sun" that goes on much longer than a real one would. (That hasn't changed, has it?) It's interesting to see screen legend James Cagney & opponent using real judo (or jujitsu) moves, though. Great fun, & thanks to my barber for sending me the link.

Did you notice the use of the judo chop (edge of hand blow) by both actors?


The Warrior said...

My dad has this movie somewhere...I read about this fight scene in the lastest Black Belt issue. I should find the DVD and watch this'd be easer than trying to work with my dial-up....


dlr said...

Oh, come on! How does it end?

Craig Mutton said...

You asked for it; you got it -- not Toyota, but jujitsu.

I have inserted a clip of the full fight scene.

The Warrior said...

I pulled out my dad's DVD. Interesting to see an old movie with "real" martial arts, but I'm spoiled with today's CQC sequences. I looked for the knife hand strike (judo chop) but didn't see it....


Craig Mutton said...

Early in the movie, James Cagney's character gets a judo chop to the back of the neck by the police goon.

In the fight scene, there are several judo chops. One where the police goon swings a chop at Cagney and misses entirely. Then, at the end of the fight, Cagney chops the goon's throat area about three times before knocking him through the wall of the shack & into the water.

Some of the blows may not be clear, because Cagney does not hold his hand rigidly open, although it is not closed into a tight fist, either -- in which case it would be a hammer fist, not a judo chop. In any case, it looks to me as though he's striking with the edge of his hand.