Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition

Since I grew up in post WWII America, it should come as no surprise that my folks had the sheet music for Frank Loesser and James Sanderson's "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition." Through the years, however, whenever some radio station played the song, they invariably played the very catchy Kay Kyser version, which only included the chorus.

I have included the lyrics below the video, in case you want to follow along. Oh, and in case you didn't know, a sky pilot is a chaplain.

Down went the gun-ner, a bul - let was his fate
Down went the gun-ner, and then the gun-ner's mate
Up jumped the sky pi-lot, gave the boys a look
And manned the gun him-self as he laid a-side TheBook, shout-ing:

"Praise The Lord, and pass the am-mu-ni-tion!
Praise The Lord, and pass the am-mu-ni-tion!
Praise The Lord, and pass the am-mu-ni-tion and we'll all stay free!

Praise The Lord, and swing in-to po-si-tion,
Can't af-ford to sit a-round a'-wish-in'
Praise The Lord, we're all be-tween per-dition
and the deep blue sea!"

Yes the sky pi-lot said it You've got to give him cred-it
for a son-of-a-gun of a gun-ner was he,
Shouting: "Praise The Lord,
we're on a might - y mis-sion!
All a-board! We're not a - go - in' fish-in',
Praise The Lord, and pass the am-mu-ni-tion
and we'll all stay free."

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