Monday, November 5, 2018

Principles of Personal Defense: Review of Ch 5


As you have seen, Jeff Cooper bases the aggressiveness of self defense on indignation, anger and rage. But he does not mean loss of control. He alludes to Kipling’s poem If.

    “If you can keep your head, when all about you are losing theirs
        And blaming it on you . . . ."

Coolness allows precision under attack. He illustrates with a story of a former student who faced a couple of killers armed with a shotgun and an automatic weapon. Precise shots from his handgun brought both of them down.

Cooper calls coolness “a matter of will" (p. 31), and he advocates playing team sports like football to develop it. However, he maintains hunting medium and big game as the best means to cultivate coolness.

Kelly McCann calls coolness “rage with reason”. (CLICK HERE to see him discuss it) For my comments on his video, CLICK HERE.

To me, remaining cool under attack requires that you control adrenaline stress. I have written about that HERE.

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