Friday, April 2, 2010

Brutal Science

The National Geographic Channel has an interesting and profitable series called Fight Science. One of the programs in that series -- entitled "Fighting Back" -- deals with the anatomical and physiological aspects of self defense.

I have put a clip from the show below. Of course you should only aim to damage someone's eyesight under the gravest threat.

I do not recommend that you practice this on another human being.  Rig up a dummy to practice full force.If you do decide to practice this with a partner, do so at your own risk, and -- I hope -- in very slow motion and with very light contact. 

HELP!! Do any of you know what I can do to stop some sleazeball who is putting porno ads in Chinese in the comments section of some WARSKYL posts? It is becoming quite time-consuming to go through & delete them by hand.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

I'm getting that person to!
Of course, I have comment modification.