Monday, March 30, 2009

My Apologies

Sorry, no post today. For the past couple of weeks I've been working on a marketing project that would involve e-copies of ten classic self-defense books. I will open the program to affiliates who will earn about $45-$50 per sale.

I'm hoping that some of my readers will become affiliates & promote the package.


The Warrior said...

Don't apologize! Ha....

Well I don't know what the books are, but if you recommend them then I will "sell" them. I guess I'll just have to trust you. ;-)

When you're ready email me some more info or something so I can figure it all out....

Craig Mutton said...

I will be making an announcement both here and over at Access To Destiny what I hope to be the near future.

I appreciate your trust. I hope the package lives up to your expectations.

The Warrior said...

I trust it will. :-)