Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Word of Explanation

I deleted 5 comments under "Chrstian Fems Dis Warskyl". They included comments by a regular reader and my answers. I deleted them because, in retrospect, I realized we were mocking the critics of WARSKYL, which is not a good or proper thing to do.

Yes, it is laughable that some of these women seem set (to the point of near-hysteria) on the notion that I am somehow organizing a vast army across the land. One, who goes by the name of Cindy, seems to be going through my posts with a fine tooth comb to find any phrase that she can use to support that notion.

Cindy sees me, no doubt, as some kind of terrorist. She is blind to a more subtle species of terrorism -- terror by innuendo.

She no doubt thinks that she is doing God's work by " building her case" against me. Sad. So sad.

From scanning through the comments on the thatwoman blog and others of that ilk, I see that quite a few of these women claim that they have been abused by men who were authority figures: husbands, fathers, boy friends and pastors.

It seems that one result of that abuse (& I will give them the benefit of the doubt that all of them actually have suffered abuse), is that they tend to react against males in roles of authority. Providentially, my pastor preached a sermon on gender roles this morning.

He said that feminism is, in large part, a reaction against men who abused their stations of leadership in one way or another. So it is with the Christian Fems. They are largely a reactionary group who have suffered abuse and blame it on male leadership.

What they may not realize is that I've suffered under abusive pastors, too. I've had abusive bosses (male and female). And I'm not unique. In this society, just about everybody has their horror stories.

Instead of looking for ever new occasions to be offended, we need to recognize that God commands us to forgive those who have offended us and get on with our lives. Perhaps some of these hundreds and hundreds of ladies from all over the world will wake up before they've wasted their lives on bitter recrimination.

Perhaps they will forsake their bitterness, stop ragging on Stacy MacDonald and her daughters, Doug Phillips and (of all people) me and devote the rest of their time here to doing something positive for Christ and His kingdom.

Let's pray that they do.


james3v1 said...


The Warrior said...

I've suffered under an "abusive" pastor (youth pastor) and many abusive bosses.

I'm just fine. :-)

Good post, good point.

CJ said...

Actually, Mr Mutton, if you will reread the comments over on TW, I never said nor do I believe that you are a terrorist, nor do I believe that you are personally organizing militias. I said that there are people who are recuiting youth in their areas into Warskyl based groups throughout the country, and I noted your presence on a number of blogs owned by people who espouse neo-Confederate ideologies, but there IS a difference.

I would also like to say that I appreciate your civility, as evidenced by your deletion of those comments which you saw as mocking, and by your remark which, while condescending, did at least credit me with having good intentions ("she no doubt thinks that she is doing God's work etc.)

The ability to disagree completely without being completely disagreeable is a sign of gentility, and it is one of the the earmarks of a Christian gentleman, however misguided (in my opinion) he may otherwise be.

Craig Mutton said...

Well, Cynthia, from your comment (#719) over at "true" womanhood, was I mistaken in thinking you were challenging my statement that I am not a member of any militia groups? Your comment reads:

Macavram wrote,
” I am not a member of any militia groups, and I do not consider myself a “neoconfederate”. Therefore, I do not think it would be appropriate for me to address those issues.
It is the nature of irrational fear that any comment I make to allay fears regarding my blog will only fan the fires of paranoia.”

But get a load of this posting, from last summer, entitled “The Food Riots of 2009?”

In order to allay any “irrational fears”, Mr. Mutton advises people to call their groups Neighborhood watch groups rather than militias, at least not “at this stage”:

Craig Mutton said...


Why don't you just let go of the hurts in your life that drive you to lash out at what you call "patriocentricity"?

To make a career out of "hurting back" is not good for you, nor is it likely to win over those whom you attack.

I know the cycle of bitterness. You lash out in resentment, then you feel guilt, then to justify yourself you look for more offenses which cause you to lash out again . . .and again . . . and again.

You have rationalized that what you are doing may not technically be slander, but I don't think your conscience will ultimately let you rest on this matter.

I will pray that God grants you repentance in this.