Continued from "Power Signals, Posture and the Christian Martialist"
In the previous post, I presented the principle that how you position your body affects your own inner attitude. When you are in a hostile environment, you want to project confidence and power to yourself as well as to potential adversaries.
The Christian Martialist, however, must ask himself the question: "Does this principle represent some fad in pop psychology, or does it arise out God's built-in design? Of course, the Word of God holds the ultimate answer to the validity of power poses.
I did a study on where the Bible associates physical posture with inner moods and attitudes. I also checked some commentaries that help to confirm and explain those connections.
In the previous post, I presented the principle that how you position your body affects your own inner attitude. When you are in a hostile environment, you want to project confidence and power to yourself as well as to potential adversaries.
The Christian Martialist, however, must ask himself the question: "Does this principle represent some fad in pop psychology, or does it arise out God's built-in design? Of course, the Word of God holds the ultimate answer to the validity of power poses.
I did a study on where the Bible associates physical posture with inner moods and attitudes. I also checked some commentaries that help to confirm and explain those connections.
Mood & Attitude
42:5 Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou
disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for
the help of his countenance.
art thou cast down, O my soul? - Margin, bowed down. The
Hebrew word means to bow down, to incline oneself; then, usually, to
prostrate oneself as in public worship; and then, to sink down under
the weight of sorrow; to be depressed and sad. The Septuagint renders
it, “Why art thou grieved?” - περίλυπος (Barnes)
27:6 And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies
round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices
of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.
now shall mine head - Now shall I be exalted. So we say that in
affliction a person bows down his head; in prosperity he lifts it up.
This verse expresses the confident expectation that he would be
enabled to triumph over all his foes, and a firm purpose on his part,
as the result of this, to offer sacrifices of praise to his great
Deliverer. (Barnes)
110:7 He shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore shall he
lift up the head.
shall he lift up the head - Therefore shall he triumph, or be
successful. The head falls when we are faint and exhausted, when we
are disappointed and are ashamed, when we are conscious of guilt. It
is lifted up in conscious rectitude, in success and triumph, in the
exuberance of hope. (Barnes)
119:48 My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments, which
I have loved; and I will meditate in thy statutes.
hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments ... - As an
expression of delight or rejoicing, as people lift up their hands
with their voice when they give expression to joy. It denotes a high
state of joy, such as leads to an outward expression; not merely that
which exists in calm contemplation, but where the heart is full, and
when it finds outward expression. (Barnes)
134:1 A Song of degrees. Behold, bless ye the LORD, all ye
servants of the LORD, which by night stand in the house of the LORD.
134:2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the LORD.
134:3 The LORD that made heaven and earth bless thee out of Zion.
up your hands in the sanctuary - Margin, In holiness. The Hebrew word
properly means holiness, but it may be applied to a holy place. See
Psalm_20:2. The lifting up of the hands is properly expressive of
prayer, but the phrase may be used to denote praise or worship in
general. (Barnes)
3:41 Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the
12:12 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble
up the hands which hang down - As if from weariness and exhaustion.
Renew your courage; make a new effort to bear them. The hands fall by
the side when we are exhausted with toil, or worn down by disease;
see the notes on Isa_35:3, from which place this exhortation is
taken. (Barnes)
35:3 Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.
weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees - Strength resides mainly in
the arms, and in the lower limbs, or the knees. If these are feeble,
the whole frame is feeble. Fear relaxes the strength of the arms, and
the firmness of the knees; and the expressions ‘weak hands,’ and
‘feeble knees,’ become synonymous with saying, of a timid,
fearful, and desponding frame of mind. (Barnes)
22:6 For then shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty, and
shalt lift up thy face unto God.
shalt lift up thy face unto God - An emblem of prosperity, happiness,
and conscious innocence. We hang our face down when we are conscious
of guilt; we bow the head in adversity. When conscious of
uprightness; when blessed with prosperity, and when we have evidence
that we are the children of God, we look up toward heaven. This was
the natural condition of human beings - made to look upward, while
all other animals look grovelling on the earth. (Barnes)
1:28 As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day
of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This
was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. And when
I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spake.
2:1 And he said unto me, Son of man, stand upon thy feet, and I will
speak unto thee.
2:2 And the spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me
upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me.
7:6 And Joshua rent his clothes, and fell to the earth upon his
face before the ark of the LORD until the eventide, he and the elders
of Israel, and put dust upon their heads.
7:10 And the LORD said unto Joshua, Get thee up; wherefore liest thou
thus upon thy face?
7:13 Up, sanctify the people, and say, Sanctify yourselves against to
morrow: for thus saith the LORD God of Israel, There is an accursed
thing in the midst of thee, O Israel: thou canst not stand before
thine enemies,
28:12 When righteous men do rejoice, there is great
glory: but when the wicked rise, a man is hidden.
primitive root; to jump for joy, that is, exult: - be joyful,
rejoice, triumph. (Strong)
1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful,
and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:
and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the
air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
primitive root; to tread down; hence negatively to disregard;
positively to conquer, subjugate, violate: - bring into bondage,
force, keep under, subdue, bring into subjection. (Strong)
read a commentary that said this word’s usage stemmed from the
practice of kings in the ancient Near East to place a foot upon the
neck of a conquered foe, denoting total and absolute subjugation.
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