Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Christian Freedom Fighters in Burma, 2

Continued from "Christian Freedom Fighters in Burma"

The Karen people of Burma (or Myanmar) have always been a persecuted minority. For the past 60+ years, the hostility has taken the form of a civil war.

Both the post WWII Marxist regime and the more recent military junta have tried to wipe out the Karen minority. The hatred of the Karen is partly ethnic, but more than a little stems from a hatred of Christ and His kingdom.

In 2007, an allegedly official Burmese document came to light. According to a London Telegraph article,

The text, which opens with the line "There shall be no home where the Christian religion is practised", calls for anyone caught evangelising to be imprisoned. It advises: "The Christian religion is very gentle – identify and utilise its weakness."
The article also states:

Its discovery follows widespread reports of religious persecution, with churches burnt to the ground, Christians forced to convert to the state religion, Buddhism, and their children barred from school.
Human rights groups claim that the treatment meted out to Christians, who make up six per cent of the population, is part of a wider campaign by the regime, also targeted at ethnic minority tribes, to create a uniform society in which the race and language is Burmese and the only accepted religion is Buddhism.

It further reports:

In the past year, an estimated 27,000 members of the predominantly Christian Karen tribe were driven from their homes in eastern Burma.

While the U.S. spends hundreds of billions to fight for the "freedom" of peoples in the Middle East who never asked for it, Karen and other ethnic Christian groups are systematically wiped out in Burma.

Maybe it would be different if Burma sat atop a huge pool of petroleum reserves.


The Warrior said...

While the U.S. spends hundreds of billions to fight for the "freedom" of peoples in the Middle East who never asked for it, Karen and other ethnic Christian groups are systematically wiped out in Burma.

Maybe it would be different if Burma sat atop a huge pool of petroleum reserves.


Gee, now are we on to something here?

Do you know how correct their theology is, just wondering?

Thanks for telling what others won't!


Craig Mutton said...

Most of the Karen who profess Christ are of the Baptist persuasion. There is a smaller contingent who embrace Seventh Day Adventism.

The Warrior said...

Baptist, eh? Well, there ain't nothin' wrong with that!

Christen Solder said...

Or being a Seventh Day Adventist. These people have struggled for years to practice their beliefs! We in the West should support their great effort to worship GOD AS they believe & be free from the persecution from those around them. They are true believers. May God bless them in the struggle to be FREE!

Christen Solder said...

Or being a Seventh Day Adventist. These people have struggled for years to practice their beliefs! We in the West should support their great effort to worship GOD AS they believe & be free from the persecution from those around them. They are true believers. May God bless them in the struggle to be FREE!