Thursday, June 18, 2015

Church Violence in Charleston

The official said the assailant methodically kept firing and reloading. (From an L.A. Times article)

My barber emailed me about this incident and called the shooter "another robot". It seems these lone gunmen go off the reservation at times a little too convenient to the liberal anti-gun agenda. Yes, my barber is a little paranoid. It's one of the things I really like about him.

Aside from all the impassioned liberal propaganda that will try to take this tragedy and turn it into political hay, I think we need to face some tactical realities. Below you will find the text of an email I sent to my pastor a little while ago.


I'm sure you are aware of the terrible incident at the AME church in Charleston where a white man shot nine people at a Wednesday evening service. Although that particular shooting probably had racial motivations, it serves to underscore the fact that shootings happen more often in churches than in schools.

As you know, the session of our church has given me express permission as a CCP holder to carry concealed in our church building. I have done so faithfully, and I want you to know my standard security practices.

I sit in the back row for a reason. From there, a simple turn of the head allows me to see whenever I hear one of the rear doors to the sanctuary open. Nevertheless, I think I will move back to the first row of the alcove where T__ & B___ used to sit. This will allow me an even better vantage point for all three entrances to the sanctuary.

Just so you know, I worship tactically. I have tried to cultivate the habit of always holding my hymnbook in my left hand, in case I need to access my weapon with my right. Any time I hear movement during prayer, I open my eyes to find the source. While I'm not a great multi-tasker, I believe the Lord will not count it against me if I spend a little more time during the service with my eyes open.

I also want to make this pledge to you: To show up at services both ready to worship my God and to serve as a sheepdog for His flock. To come with both my heart and my weapon clean and ready, and my skills current.

I realize that I am not present at every church function, so I would like to suggest that you bring up to the session the need for security plans, procedures and policies along with sufficient training to implement them.

As we recently discussed, our society finds itself shifting in a negative attitude toward Christians in general. It is my hope that you and the session will give church security some serious thought in light of this. Let me know if I can help in any way.

For Crown & Covenant,

In case you haven't figured it out, protecting the flock isn't just something you do; it involves who you are on a deep level. 


Monkey At A Typewriter said...

A lot of the older generation have a taboo about firearms in the church, so those of us that do carry keep them in deep concealment out of respect. That also includes our pastor, a Cajun that grew up hunting. Last year he commented on the need to be armed to 'protect my flock' and one of our esteemed members, 83 years old, objected, so we no longer mention it. But when the door opens, we all look, and the pastor will call out the person's name, if we know them, "---come on in!" If no name is given, one of us will go to meet them, to shake their hand and welcome them- usually a carrier. Now our church is small, seating about 50. It's just an old country church that actually still has an outhouse! Small town, so most of us drive there. I credit my pastor and some of the other regulars with giving me a sense of purpose where our state CCW is concerned, and I am fortunate to be in the company of many like minded brothers and sisters- yes some of the ladies carry too. But unless you ask you will never know who!

Craig Mutton said...

Thanks for your excellent comment. I also do not advertise my concealed carry at church. After one Sunday service, a lady said something about my sidearm. I was a little surprised and asked, "Oh, does it show?"

She replied, "No, but I know you."

Years ago, I pastored a rural church that sounds a little like yours -- outhouse and all.