Monday, November 17, 2008

Sodomite Violence

As you may know, in the recent election Californians voted to adopt proposition 8. This amends the state constitution to define marriage as a heterosexual union.

What US media may not be telling us, is that the perverts are angry and openly advocating violence against Churches and Christians. In an article entitled "Gays" Call for Violence against Christian Supporters of Prop 8, the Canada Free Press reports some of the buzz on the blogosphere:

In a blog entry titled “You’ll Want to Punch them” on, poster “BillyBob Thornton” wrote, “… I have never considered being a violent radical extremist for our Equal Rights, But now I think maybe I should consider becoming one.” “Stenar” asked, “Can someone in CA please go burn down the Mormon temples there, PLEASE. I mean seriously. DO IT.” “Angelo Ventura,” said, “… hope they all rot in hell, those servants of a lying, corrupt devil!

BAN RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM!” And, “Jonathan,” warned, “I’m going to give them something to be f – ing scared of. … I’m a radical who is now on a mission to make them all pay for what they’ve done.”

Meanwhile, over at, “World O Jeff,” said, “Burn their f–ing churches to the ground, and then tax the charred timbers.” While, “Tread,” wrote, “I hope the No on 8 people have a long list and long knives.” “Joe,” stated, “I swear, I’d murder people with my bare hands this morning.”

And on the Web site, “scottinsf” posted, “Trust me. I’ve got a big list of names of mormons and catholics that were big supporters of Prop 8. … As far as mormons and catholics ... I warn them to watch their backs.”

If and when violence occurs, will the police intervene? Or will they step back and give free reign to the perverts? If Christians defend their families and churches, will the police and media treat it as self defense, or will they call it something else? Time will tell.

1 comment:

The Warrior said...

Very informative post. I blogged a news article about it a while ago; I have noticed that, although I have been hearing little bits about it, it's been mostly hush-hush. They definitely did not say anything such as what you are showing here. Thanks for the heads-up.