It's finally here -- Gravelbelly's COMBAT PREP PACK. It's a set of three e-books on topics that have proven popular here at WARSKYL.
Did you know that most people who come here from search engines are looking for information on adrenaline stress control? That's what StatCounter tells me.
So the first e-book is called How to Take Control of Your Adrenaline. It contains all that I've written about the subject here on the blog along with new material that will give you the rationale as a basis for the practical methods. The first section of the book gives indirect methods of control, and the second section deals with direct methods.
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Along with the material that has appeared on this blog, I've included two entire chapters that have never appeared here at WARSKYL. This is exegetical material that will finally lay to rest any doubts about what Jesus meant in His teaching to "turn the other cheek". There is also a chapter that defines the relationship between self defense and the Great Commission.
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If you're a regular reader of WARSKYL, you keep coming back because you find something here that you don't find at other self defense and martial arts sites; philosophy and perspective.
I draw my philosophy from a traditional Reformed Protestant interpretation of Scripture. My Biblical worldview embraces all of life, including personal defense.
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My perspective comes from the way my philosophy interacts with my personality traits in light of my life experience. Because each of us is uniquely created, my perspective is also unique.
If you like my philosophy and perspective, these books will give you a fuller and more complete view of their respective subjects than you have received piecemeal by reading individual blog posts.
Now, in addition to the e-books I've already mentioned, there are a couple of bonus e-books. If you want to find out about them as well as to get a more detailed description of the three books above, click the following link:
P. S. If you're willing to promote my new e-book offer, Gravelbelly's COMBAT PREP PACK, you can earn a 50% commission on every sale you refer. You can post a link on your own blog, or you can write a review with a link.
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That looks fantastic!
As long as Stephen hasn't yet purchased, it looks like you have your first customer.
I'm REALLY excited to read something written by you (didn't realize that's what you were planning months ago when you discussed all of this), and all the bonuses are fantastic!
Darn it, I didn't want to spend any money nor do I need more books to read....
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