Saturday, January 31, 2009

Analyze Colorado Springs Shooting

Here is one of those tactical analysis situations, again. It is based on a shooting in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

First, go to the link & read the article. Then tell me whether or not the shooting was justified. Careful, though. Read & analyze thoroughly.

If there is insufficient information for you to make a judgment, then give me hypotheticals: "If it went down [this way], then it was a justifiable shooting." Give reasons (that hopefully correspond to Biblical principles) for your conclusions.

Here's the link:

Colorado Springs Shooting

I will probably post a follow-up on Monday. Thanks to my barber for sending me the link to this article.
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1 comment:

Stephen said...

I would not have shot the individual. If he had broken into my house I would have, especially at night. If I heard someone banging on our door, I would certainly take a gun and investigate, but I would not have shot him.